Blue and Yellow Macaw (Ara Ararauna)
The Blue and Yellow Macaw, also known as the Blue and gold Macaw, is a member of the group of large Neotropical parrots known as macaws. It breeds in forests and woodlands of tropical South America from Trinidad and Venezuela south to Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. These Macaws are an endangered species in Trinidad, and are on the verge of being extirpated from Paraguay, but they still remain widespread and fairly common in a large part of mainland South America.
- Weight: 900-1200 grams (2 – 2.7 pounds)
- Length: 81 – 89cm (32 – 35 inches)
- Wing span: 104 – 113cm (41 – 44.5 inches)
- Life span: 60 – 80 years
- Diet: berries, nuts and seeds
- No. off eggs: 2 – 3 eggs
- Incubation: 28 days
- Beak power: 2000 PSI
- Fledge: after 3 months